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IDEAS in action at LaSalle: Efficiency

October 4, 2024
  • In a world overflowing with technology-driven business solutions, companies need to be more strategic than ever to choose the technology that can drive the most value for their clients, industry, and people.

    What’s LaSalle’s big IDEA?

    At LaSalle, our technology strategy is driven by IDEAS – Invest, Data, Efficiency, AI and Sales.

    The five components of our IDEAS framework are designed to guide our internal teams to ensure they are deriving maximum benefit from new technologies:

    The framework ensures LaSalle’s teams stay ahead; always ready to adopt innovative new capabilities that can transform the way we work. 

    LaSalle Intelligent Automation: In Theory 

    Leveraging technology for efficiency is a necessity in today’s business world. Companies that adopt new technology and automation not only improve current processes but also ensure they are future-ready for inevitable advancements. 

    At LaSalle, efficiency and automation are intertwined. Through our global strategy, LaSalle Intelligent Automation, LIA for short, LaSalle has created a space where automation and efficiency are available to our different business processes and teams. 

    Although LIA appears as an adorably small robot in presentations, its structure and workflow process are far more robust than meets the eye.  

    LaSalle Intelligent Automation: In Action 

    Through LIA, LaSalle has invested in a suite of technology solutions to replace manual tasks, making work easier and faster, and reducing the potential for errors. LIA focuses on automating processes that are historically tracked via email, Excel, Outlook, or shared drives. Sofia Vujatov, Global Head of LGS Applications and the LIA strategy, explains more. 

    “Any person across the business can submit a request to our team through LIA. When we receive a request, we discuss their process in detail, to gauge where we can add value before reviewing our different automation and efficiency tools and solutions to find the most appropriate tool for the case.” 

    The LaSalle Americas Accounting team is the perfect example of LIA. Prior to LIA, the team logged performance asset and fund data into their Returns system manually, requiring days and even weeks of work. They requested the help of the LIA team, who were able to develop a bot to key in this data automatically instead.  

    “Today, the Accounting team simply submits a form that includes their data to the bot and the bot takes over, saving the team a huge amount of time,” shared Vujatov. 

    LIA’s impact is also evident within LaSalle’s technology team. The team successfully migrated data from 36,000 legacy reports into a new, organized system. This task, which would have taken years manually, was completed in mere days using a bot developed under the LIA program. 

    LaSalle Intelligent Automation: In Impact 

    In addition to improved efficiency and speed, LIA’s technology solutions offer equally significant advantages in workplace culture. 

    “The LIA program is really about freeing up time for people to be more strategic, instead of spending the bulk of their time on manual tasks,” Vujatov explains. “This makes work more rewarding and interesting, which in turn boosts employee morale and retention.”  

    And through LIA, there is a lot more impactful work to be done.  

    “There’s so much more potential for improvement,” said Vujatov. “We want everyone in the business to ask us, ‘What can your team do for us, and how can we leverage you?’ so we can continue to drive meaningful change across the firm.” 

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Jul 11, 2024 IDEAS in action at LaSalle: Artificial intelligence By embracing new opportunities, we can reap the substantial benefits of technological innovations.

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