At LaSalle, the investment opportunities we create and uncover today are designed to align with the long-term interests of the hundreds of thousands of people that our investors represent.
Our investors include …

Pension plans
working to provide secure retirements for a wide range of people across the globe, from government employees in North America, to healthcare workers in Europe and teachers in Asia Pacific, just to name a few.

Sovereign wealth funds
safeguarding the finances of national and regional governments around the world, so that they can provide for the necessities of their citizens, from transport infrastructure to schools and hospitals.

Insurance companies
protecting against the unexpected for their policyholders and paying claims when they arise.
We are keenly aware that behind each of the 500+ organizations we invest for there are countless human stories. Stories of retirees wanting to take dream vacations or know they won’t be a financial burden on their families in years to come. Stories of patients who need life-saving surgeries that can only be delivered in state-of-the-art facilities. And stories of insurance policyholders who need help recovering from unexpected events.
We never forget that when we’re investing today, it’s for their tomorrow.