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Sector outlooks

Apartment demand and rents in China

May 19, 2021
  • Head of Research and Strategy for Great China, Fred Tang introduces the professional managed rental apartment sector in China and highlights the historic and potential growth of the sector. Of note is the improving liquidity in the sector, making entry easier for institutional investors who wish to access it.

Mar 13, 2023 Disruption and conviction: Insights into value investing in Europe Our insight report into value investing in Europe highlights the importance of expertise and experience in investing in today’s real estate markets, which are characterised by an abundance of unmeasurable uncertainty over quantifiable risk.
Mar 01, 2023 ISA Briefing: China’s great reopening China’s return to pre-pandemic normality has meaningful implications for the economic and real estate outlook in China, the broader Asia-Pacific region and the world.
man in hard hat overseeing a factory
Feb 15, 2023 ISA Briefing: Energy back as key in real estate outcomes The recent dramatic but uneven volatility in energy prices has deeply influenced the economic and property market outlook and we expect it to continue.

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