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Sector outlooks

How transparent are alternative real estate investments?

May 19, 2020
  • Elysia Tse, Head of Asia Pacific Research and Strategy discusses cross-border investment in the Asia Pacific real estate market and how increasing transparency in China and India is driving investment growth in both countries.

The man looks at the buildings and makes a frame of his fingers
Jun 30, 2022 NCREIF review and outlook: Q1 2022 US private real estate returns remained very strong in the first quarter of 2022, which brought trailing-year returns to levels not seen in 40 years.
Jun 01, 2022 From acute to chronic stress Three months after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, the fighting and destruction continues.
May 19, 2022 Emerging trends in real estate LaSalle’s Head of European Research and Global Portfolio Strategies Brian Klinksiek discusses emerging trends in real estate at MIPIM 2020: rising inflation, risk-off investor sentiment and the changing energy mix in light of the climate crisis.

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